While going through the divorce process, you might decide to change your name back to your maiden name. The document to be submitted and filed with the Court is an “Entry to restore former name.”
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The documents you need to change your name in a divorce action or termination of marriage action include a final document called an entry restoring former name. You have the option through the court to return to a maiden name or a former name, including one from a previous marriage, within 60 days after the final decree of divorce. Obtain a certified copy of this document, then update your name with Social Security, BMV, utilities, HR, etc. If you miss this window, you can still change your name through an application to the probate court in your county.
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Filing Paperwork to Change Your Name
It is also important to note that your name can also be changed to a former name. For example, if this is your second marriage, you could change your name back to your former married name instead of your maiden name.
You also have the choice to leave your name alone and keep your married name – even if your soon-to-be-former spouse tells you that you can’t. The court has the power to do this, and your spouse has no say in the matter.
This is the easiest way to restore a former name legally, as it’s all handled as part of the divorce process.
After your divorce is final and the court has approved your name change, make sure to notify the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV).
Updating Your Documents
To update your social security card, complete an online application and provide a certified copy of your divorce decree/Entry Restoring Former Name as proof of the legal name change. The SSA will then issue you a new Social Security card with your previous name.
Changing Your Driver’s License
To change your driver’s license, visit your local (BMV) and update the name on your driver’s license. Bring your new Social Security card and divorce decree or Entry as documentation, and pay any required fees. The BMV will then issue you a license in your former name.
Check Other Official Appearances
After you have an updated social security card and driver’s license, be sure to change your passport and voter registration, and update your employer, financial institutions, health care providers, and USPS.
It is important to update all records promptly to avoid confusion or issues down the road.
What if I Didn’t Change My Name During the Divorce?
If you didn’t request to restore your name as part of the divorce proceedings, don’t worry – you can still change your name later. In this case, you’ll need to go through the probate court in your county.
This involves filling out forms, publishing a notice in the local newspaper, and attending a court hearing. While this process takes a few more steps than including the name change in your divorce decree, it’s still relatively simple.
That’s it! Changing your name back after divorce in Ohio is a straightforward process, whether you do it as part of the divorce or through the probate court later on.
Get Help Changing Your Name in Ohio
If you have any other questions, it’s a good idea to consult with an experienced Ohio family law attorney who can guide you through the process.
The Dungan & LeFevre family law attorneys can assist you. Call (937) 339-0511 or fill out our form to get in touch with our team.