05.14.21 | Personal Injury,

Has a traumatic brain injury left you struggling?

No one anticipates a life-changing injury to happen to them. Typically, these injuries come seemingly out of nowhere, and suddenly, a person’s life is no longer the same. It often takes time for one to adjust to the changes. They…

03.23.21 | Personal Injury,

Ohio car accident leads to injuries, fatalities

Drivers have many responsibilities when on the road. They need to know what is going on in front of them, beside them and behind them as much as possible. Of course, even when scanning for hazards, it is not always…

01.12.21 | Personal Injury,

Car accident turns fatal after pickup truck hits house

Many people spend time at home without thoughts of suffering harm. While there may be concerns about break-ins or robberies, there is likely little worry that a car accident will affect a person while inside his or her home. Sadly,…

10.28.20 | Personal Injury,

Driver runs stop sign, causes fatal accident

Though car accidents happen every day, no one wants to be on the receiving end of a phone call to learn that their loved ones have suffered fatal injuries in a crash. Unfortunately, this type of scenario plays out far…

08.21.20 | Personal Injury,

Failure to yield results in fatal car accident

If people thought about all the ways they could come to harm in the course of their daily lives, they may find themselves unable to do anything. While it is certainly not advisable to dwell on the dangers that lurk…

06.15.20 | Personal Injury,

Ohio car accident claims life, causes serious injuries

The amount of life-changing damage that can occur in just a moment is almost unbelievable. All it takes is a split second of negligence or recklessness for a car accident to occur that can cause serious or fatal injuries. Unfortunately,…